

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:
for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,
and we shall be changed.
1 Corinthians 15:52

Click to listen to the teruah

Welcome to our website

We are a non-denominational home church basing ourselves solely on the Bible which is the word of God. Our main presence is on YouTube where we share our messages. This website provides a platform to find extra resources and announcements.
We are located on the beautiful Island of Corfu, Greece; so whenever you search a destination for your vacation we can recommend our island and hope you'll visit our fellowship.

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Video's By Bible Verse
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  • Psalm 10

    This Psalm is a lament over the seeming prosperity of the wicked, but it ends in confidence in the judgments of God. It is a ...

    Psalm 10
  • Psalm 9

    This Psalm is definitely a song of praise, just like Psalm 8. This Psalm mentions various subjects for which we can praise ou...

    Psalm 9
  • Yom Teruah and the Mystery of the Rapture

    We take a fresh look at Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah) and its link to the rapture of the church. When the apostle Paul writes ab...

    Yom Teruah and the Mystery of the Rapture

  • Statement Of Faith

    We want to inform and teach both Christians and non Christians about Gods word and the message of salvation (the Gospel). Through this we hope that you will be encouraged to study the Bible in a deeper way, find Gods truth and devote your life to Christ.
    Because of the lateness of the hour many of our messages will be focused on the end time prophetic messages that the Bible provides and how they relate to our current time and the events on the world stage. […]

  • No Hate Speech

    Expressions on this website and in our video messages are according to our belief and our opinion. They are never written or spoken motivated by hate and can therefore not be considered hate speech. We believe in the right of free speech and the freedom of religion / faith.

    We do not allow profane text, mockery or blaspheming and therefore all contributions are moderated and will, if necessary, be removed.

  • Be Encouraged

    I sincerely hope that you will be encouraged through the messages and the information on this website, to find the Truth, to embrace it and never let go. Remember that today is the day of salvation.


    For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. ~ 2 Corinthians 6:2

    Be blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ

Featured video's

Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

  • The Revelation Of Jesus - Part 1 - The Context

    Matthew 24, end time signs given by our Lord Jesus.

    The Revelation Of Jesus
  • Just Briefly: You are valuable

    A short reflection

    You are valuable
  • The Pillar of Time

    A fascinating short animation movie showing the amazing patterns in the dates mentioned in the Bible as they relate to the Biblical Calendar.

    The Pillar of Time
  • Trumpet Alert #6: The Dead Sea is Dying

    A short reflection

    The Dead Sea is Dying
  • The Tabernacle of the Lord - Part 1

    In depth study of the Tabernacle of the Lord

    The Tabernacle of the Lord
  • New Smart Phones - A Quantum Leap

    The spiritual implications of new technology?

    New Smart Phones - A Quantum Leap
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Mysteries & Miracles in Scripture

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. Once you truly study it and delve into the Hebrew and Greek, the use of numbers and names, you begin to see that this could never be made by men.

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