
We are...

We are a non-denominational home church basing ourselves solely on the Bible which is the word of God. Our main presence is on YouTube where we share our messages. This website provides a platform to find extra resources and announcements.
We are located on the beautiful Island of Corfu, Greece; so whenever you search a destination for your vacation we can recommend our island and hope you'll visit our fellowship.

We will be able to address you in English, German, Dutch and Greek.

When studying Scripture we take great value in the heritage of the Old Testament and the meaning and traditions of Biblical Judaism. It forms the basis of Christianity and helps to understand Scripture in a much deeper level.

We believe that we are living in the last days or end times and that the Lord can call us home any moment. Therefore many of our messages are focused on the end time prophetic messages that the Bible provides and how they relate to our current time and the events on the world stage.

Please read more on our Statement of Faith and feel free to contact us.

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